Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know so you can use NewsCrypto like a pro.

What is Newscrypto?

Answers in this section



NewsCrypto is a comprehensive educational, social and informative platform offering both beginners and expert traders everything they need in order to learn about crypto and further improve their trading skills.

The main NewsCrypto products include:

1. Web platform

It provides a comprehensive set of tools for all users, regardless of their current level of knowledge. The platform offers everything from automatic charting tools that help beginners understand the basics of technical analysis to advanced proprietary indicators for expert traders.

Visit the platform here

2. NewsCrypto App

NewsCrypto app allows you to track crypto prices, portfolio, news, trends and play crypto games in one place.

Download the app here

3. NWC Native Mobile Wallet

NWC wallet enables you to Receive, Send, and Store NWC tokens securely in a mobile wallet wherever you are. It was created with an explicit goal of making NWC transactions available on all devices, to everyone.

Download the wallet here

4. Stellar-Polygon Bridge

The Stellar-Polygon bridge allows anyone that holds XLM tokens on the Stellar blockchain to bring them over to Polygon in the form of wrapped XLM (wXLM), where they can be traded and used in Polygon’s rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem.

Use the bridge here.

Explore NewsCrypto in detail by reading our Whitepaper.

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