Backtesting bot

The Backtesting Bot uses our own proprietary algorithms to automatically detect the most important patterns on the price charts of top cryptocurrencies. Apart from simply detecting the patterns, it also calculates the technical price target and looks at how many of the patterns hit it, giving you a success rate expressed as a percentage. Next to these data you can also see the historical success rates for the chosen pattern and trading pair, which lets you see how the probability of trades taken based on the pattern changes over time.

This revolutionary tool empowers every trader with the ability to test different strategies without extensive programming knowledge or wasting their precious time on incorporating data samples from charts, with a wide range of cryptocurrencies, so that it covers a variety of market conditions.



The same chart pattern can have wildly different performance in different market conditions, and this is where our Backtesting Bot comes in, letting you see which patterns you should focus on at a given time.